Monday, January 3, 2011

About the Light Rail Now blog...

The Light Rail Now blog is an affiliated service of the Light Rail Now Project, a charitable educational project designed to support efforts both within North America and worldwide to develop and improve light rail transit (LRT) and other rail transit and mass transportation systems. This blog is also an adjunct of the Light Rail Now! website, and is intended to provide informational and educational material helpful in bolstering these objectives and the general educational and outreach activities of the Light Rail Now Project. The Light Rail Now Project believes that presenting facts, reliable information, and well-supported arguments is the way to counteract the avalanche of misinformation and misconception about mass transit, rail transit in general, and LRT, and particularly to enable planners, decisionmakers, and the public to make truly informed decisions in regard to LRT as an amazingly versatile, attractive, and cost-effective mode of transportation technology. The Light Rail Now Project and this website are sponsored by the Texas Association for Public Transportation.